The little red haired girl's software archive


Martin "Herbert" Dietze's persoenliches FTP-Verzeichnis

MD5 fingerprint of all files in this directory

broadwan (directory)
Material related to the BroadWan project.
cxxutil (directory)
Sources and binaries for the cxxutil library.
debian (directory)
Different unofficial Debian packages
dphil (directory)
Material and software concerning my DPhil project in Buckingham.
elvis (directory)
Elvis for OS/2 (current beta releases).
fifa2000 (directory)
Fifa2000 related files (custom jerseys and teams).
fifa98 (directory)
Fifa98 related files (custom jerseys and teams).
fifa99 (directory)
Fifa99 related files (custom jerseys and teams).
handout (directory)
mulberry mulberry builds.
linux (directory)
Linux software written or packaged by me.
misc (directory)
Stuff not among the other categories.
mulberry (directory)

nylon (directory)
Experimental nylon builds and patches created by me.
os2 (directory)
Software for OS/2
segmentation (directory)
Sources and binaries for the segmentation toolkit.
splint (directory)
splint for OS/2 (plus current beta releases).
transfer (directory)
tmp stuff for private use (not documented).
wmaker (directory)
experimental WindowMaker builds
index.html (23. Dez 2014, 0 Bytes) (MD5)

If you have any problems with the archives in general please contact the webmaster.
Karl Ewald's afa2html v0.71 generated this page on hmdietze's request at 23. Dez 2014 15:15:32.